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How Much Should My Small Dog Weigh?

Small breeds can vary widely in size, even within the same type. While some may grow larger or smaller than average, you can estimate their adult size by:

  1. Looking at their parents’ size and weight (if known)
  2. Checking the average weight for their breed and sex

If you don’t know the parents, most small dogs grow close to the breed’s average size. The chart below highlights the typical adult weights for common small breeds, categorised by The Kennel Club.

Average Adult Weight (kg)
Breed Male Female
Affenpinscher 3-5
Australian Silky Terrier 3-5
Australian Terrier 5-7
Basenji 10
Beagle 8-14
Bedlington Terrier 7-10
Bichon Frise 5-7 4-7
Bolognese 2.5-4
Border Terrier 5-7
Boston Terrier 4-11
Cairn Terrier 5-7
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 5-9
Cesky Terrier 7-10
Chihuahua 2.5
Chinese Crested 2-6
Coton De Tulears 4-6 3.5-5
Dachshund (Miniature) 5
Dandie Dinmont Terrier 8-11
English Toy Terrier 3.5-6.5
Fox Terrier 7.5-8.5 6.5-7.5
French Bulldog 12.5 or less
Griffon Bruxellois 4-5
Havanese 3-6
Irish Terrier 12 11
Italian Greyhound 3-7
Jack Russell Terrier 7-8
King Charles Spaniel 4-7
Kooikerhondje 9-11
Lagotto Romagnolo 13-16 11-14
Lakeland Terrier 7.5
Lancashire Heeler 2.5-6
Lhasa Apso 6-7
Maltese 2-3
Manchester Terrier 3-3.5
Miniature Schnauzer 6-6.5
Norfolk Terrier 5-5.5
Norwich Terrier 5.5
Parson Russell Terrier 6-7
Pekingese 6 or less
Poodle 2-3.5
Portuguese Podengo 4-6
Pug 6.35-8.16
Russian Toy 2.5 or less
Scottish Terrier 8.5-10 8.5-9.5
Sealyham Terrier 10.5 8-10
Shetland Sheepdog 9
Shih Tzu 4-7
Snorkie 3-6
Spaniel (Cocker) 13-16 12-15
Welsh Corgi 10-14 10-13
Welsh Terrier 9-10
West Highland White Terrier 7-9.5
Whippet 7-13.5
Xoloitzcuintle (Toy) 2.5-6.5
Xoloitzcuintle (Miniature) 7-13.5
Yorkshire Terrier 3 or less


Keep in mind, factors like muscle mass can influence weight. If your dog looks healthy and active, they likely are. If in doubt, consult your vet for advice.

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