This Lickimat Buddy for dogs and cats is a healthy and fun alternative to a slow feed bowl. These are perfect to serve pet food, pet treats. supplements, yoghurt, peanut...
This Lickimat Playdate for dogs and cats is a healthy and fun alternative to a slow feed bowl. These are perfect to serve pet food, pet treats. supplements, yoghurt, peanut butter,...
Active adult dogs need a good, balanced diet to ensure they get all the goodness and nutrition they require, and our trays of Chicken & Duck with Brown Rice & Vegetables contain everything...
Active adult dogs need a good, balanced diet to ensure they get all the goodness and nutrition they require, and our trays of chicken dog food with Rice &...
This tasty senior wet dog food is made using 55% fresh, farm reared chicken, combined with a healthy blend of brown rice and vegetables. It is completely wheat and gluten...
Our delicious, wheat and gluten free puppy food is hypoallergenic, made using 65% fresh, farm reared chicken combined with brown rice and vegetables, we also include seaweed oil, glucosamine and...
Containing a minimum 65% freshly prepared meat Lovejoys® Pure & Simple ready to eat meals for adult dogs are all grain free. Our Chicken with Sweet Potato and Vegetables is...
Active adult dogs need a good, balanced diet to ensure they get all the goodness and nutrition they require, and our trays of Chicken with Tripe, Brown Rice & Vegetables contain everything...
Use the Lovejoys dog food measuring cup each time you feed your pet a nutritious Lovejoys meal to ensure each meal is providing just what they need! Many owners feed...
At Lovejoys® we care deeply for your dog's wellbeing - that's why all of our dry food is hypoallergenic. Our Duck & Rice complete dry food is specially formulated so...
This dry dog food is specially formulated to exclude many known allergens, such as wheat, wheat gluten, dairy, pork, beef and soya, making it an ideal food for all dogs,...
Active adult dogs with healthy appetites require a well-balanced diet to give them all the goodness and nutrition they need. Our range of tasty adult salmon dog food contains everything...
This is a complete, hypoallergenic dog food, specially formulated to exclude many known allergens, such as wheat, wheat gluten, dairy, pork, beef and soya. This makes it suitable for all...
Busy, active dogs need a good, balanced diet to make sure they get all the energy they need, and our original lamb and rice dog food, complete with rice and...
With a lower protein and fat content, it is ideal for senior dogs who don't need as much exercise. This also helps to maintain a healthy weight whilst putting less...
Our Lamb & Sweet Potato with Vegetables variety is made using freshly prepared British, grass fed lamb and combined with sweet potato, vegetables, herbs and English rapeseed oil. It's an...
Pure & Simple Grain Free Lamb Our Lamb with Sweet Potato and Vegetables dog food is made using freshly prepared grass-fed lamb, sourced in the UK. We combine it with...
Lovejoys Pure & Simple Salmon Oil For Dogs Pure & Simple Salmon Oil is made using sustainably sourced salmon to provide your dog with all it needs for a happy...
Pure & Simple Grain Free Salmon Our freshly prepared Scottish salmon is blended with sweet potato, vegetables and herbs, and then English rapeseed oil is added to complete a tasty...
Pure & Simple Grain Free Salmon Lovejoys® Pure & Simple ready to eat meals for adult dogs are grain free and are made using sweet potato to provide fibre. Our...
A complete dry food, it is formulated to exclude known allergens, such as wheat, wheat gluten, dairy, pork, beef and soya, and is even suitable for dogs with sensitive tummies....
A good, balanced diet is something every energetic dog needs, so they can get the nutrition they require. Some dogs prefer a wet diet, others like wet food mixed with...
Our most popular flavour, Lovejoys® Turkey & Rice puppy food provides everything your puppy needs to be healthy, happy and well nourished. A hypoallergenic dog food, it contains a perfect...
A reduced fat and protein content makes it ideal for older dogs who don't get as much exercise. It also helps to maintain dog's weight and reduce stress on their...