A reduced fat and protein content makes it ideal for older dogs who don't get as much exercise. It also helps to maintain dog's weight and reduce stress on their...
This delightfully grain free dog food is made using farm reared British turkey combined with sweet potato, vegetables and herbs and finished off with some English rapeseed oil to create...
Lovejoys® Pure & Simple ready to eat meals for adult dogs are grain free and contain a minimum 65% freshly prepared meat. We use only fresh turkey prepared and sourced...
At Lovejoys® we understand how good ingredients can improve the health and happiness of your dog, so we've taken great effort to ensure everything that goes into our food is...
Pure & Simple Grain Free Variety Box The Lovejoys® Pure & Simple Grain Free Wet Food Variety Pack contains 4 x Turkey, 4 x Lamb and 4 x Chicken When...
This adorable alpaca dog toy is made of soft plush with cotton rope legs and is sure to be a hit with your four-legged friends at playtime. The cotton rope...
This soft plush llama dog toy would be an excellent addition to your collection of dog toys. It has a cotton tail and is wearing an adorable Christmas themed outfit....
This super fun penguin plush toy with a sturdy cotton rope handle is sure to entertain a dog who enjoys playing all year.This multitextured dog toy is lightweight and portable,...
Your dog is sure to love this plush cuddly companion goose dog toy that is made of a mix of materials for added interest. At playtime, this goose is sure...
Its time to play! This reindeer plush dog toy would be great for dogs that like to play tug, throwing and retrieving.This adorable dog toy is made with a mix...
The Nobby Chicken Leg Dog Toy is great fun for dogs of all sizes. The fun chicken leg shape offers dental care with bobbles and spikes, and the wide opening...
These Nobby Cooling Mat for dogs features a special cooling gel which works for several hours and requires no power or prior refrigeration. The cooling effect is triggered by the...
The Nobby Cooling Rubber Dumbell can be filled with water, or frozen on very hot days to help cool your dog down. It provides entertainment and dental care by chewing....
This high quality solid rubber knotted ball toy for dog is made of a very sturdy material, which ensures a long play and chewing pleasure. The colourful colours encourage your...
The rubber Snack Bone for dogs by Nobby is a flexible and robust chew toy. It is provided with openings and can be filled with dry snacks. Because of the...
This solid rubber Snack ring by Nobby is both a flexible and robust chew toy. It is provided with openings and can be filled with dry snacks. Because of the...
This Rubber Snackball is a flexible rubber chew toy for your dog. It is hollow with two openings, which allows treats, snacks and kibble to be put inside for added...
This Nobby rubber dog ball is made from TPR, or Thermo Plastic Rubber. This makes this dog ball strong and durable - ideal for doggy playtime! The other great thing...
A tennis ball on a rope toy for your dog perfect for throw and fetch games. This is a tooth-protecting tennis ball material, specially designed for dogs. The throw rope is...
These Nobby Tennis Balls are great for dogs that love a ball and a squeak great for a game of fetch! They are tooth protecting tennis balls that are designed...
This 12 pack of Nobby Tennis balls is a great value way to purchase the tough Nobby Tennis balls for dogs. Made from protective fabric which has been designed to...
These fully adjustable Nobby LED harness "Flash Mesh" from the series "Starlight" with lights that come in three different flashing frequencies. These leashes are splash proof and visible up to 400...